Mijn Tirades en Tieren

SQL Server 2005 Paging Demo
SQL Server 2005 Paging Demo
4 november 2006

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/pagingdemo.zip

Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
3 november 2006

Url: http://www.softwarebyrob.com/articles/Nine_Thin...

ADO.NET Team Blogs about LOB Access through SqlDataReaders...
ADO.NET Team Blogs about LOB Access through SqlDataReaders...
31 oktober 2006

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2006/10/30...

Adobe.com Is Slooooooow!  Is CFM to blame?
Adobe.com Is Slooooooow! Is CFM to blame?
29 oktober 2006

Url: http://www.adobe.com

Bare Naked Ladies are Flouting DRM...And I Love Them for It...
Bare Naked Ladies are Flouting DRM...And I Love Them for It...
25 oktober 2006

Url: https://www.werkshop.com/bnllive/details.jsp?pr...

Oracle 11g Announced
Oracle 11g Announced
23 oktober 2006

Url: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?...

Soapbox (MS's YouTube Competitor) is nice!
Soapbox (MS's YouTube Competitor) is nice!
10 oktober 2006

Url: http://ideas.live.com/signup.aspx?versionid=856...

Great Report on Aero and Battery Life
Great Report on Aero and Battery Life
6 oktober 2006

Url: http://techreport.com/onearticle.x/10945

4 oktober 2006

I had an interesting discussion with some members of a class I am teaching right now about how paging is done.  It looks like there are four Functions that allow for paging and using Common Table Expressions.  They all can optionally include a separate ORDER BY clause to specify how they are sorted (so your result set can be sorted differently than it is ranked).

Wierd: PacMan and Space Invaders for Excel!?!
Wierd: PacMan and Space Invaders for Excel!?!
3 oktober 2006

Url: http://www.geocities.jp/nchikada/pac/

Am I just too Low Brow?
Am I just too Low Brow?
2 oktober 2006

Url: http://www.crownplaza.com

iTunes 7.x Installs Outlook Addin - No one seems to know why!
iTunes 7.x Installs Outlook Addin - No one seems to know why!
30 september 2006

Its official, once I installed iTunes 7.x (which I am uninstalling) it installs an addin into Outlook! I can't find any reason for this. I haven't determine exactly why it installs it and what it does (I disabled it). This is to go through a nasty bundling of stuff with iTunes (anyone understand why Apple gets away with this but Microsoft gets critisized for it?).  When I install iTunes I get:

Writing Windows Live Messenger Add-ins with .NET
Writing Windows Live Messenger Add-ins with .NET
29 september 2006

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1895,202254...

iTunes needs to update Outlook? WTF?
iTunes needs to update Outlook? WTF?
28 september 2006

I am installing iTunes 7.0.1 because they still have the best selection of music (though admittedly, I burn them to CD and immediately rip everything in MP3 to strip them of DRM).  When I installed it today, I got this curious complaint from the installer:

Completely Off Topic: Kung Foo Baby
Completely Off Topic: Kung Foo Baby
26 september 2006

Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdFo8ajCsU8

Gaming Inspirational Posters
Gaming Inspirational Posters
26 september 2006

Url: http://retroblast.com/gallery

Interesting web sites...
Interesting web sites...
26 september 2006

Here are a collection of some new web sites I've ran into that I think everyone should visit (don't worry, no religion or politics here):

Thank you Atlanta...
Thank you Atlanta...
23 september 2006

Url: http://wildermuth.com/Presentations/#WPF

Off Topic: Studio 60
Off Topic: Studio 60
21 september 2006

Url: http://www.metacritic.com/tv/shows/studio60onth...

On the Road with my XBox 360
On the Road with my XBox 360
11 september 2006

Url: http://xbox.com

.NET 3.0 Visual Studio Extensions ("Orcas") Compatible with Vista RC
.NET 3.0 Visual Studio Extensions ("Orcas") Compatible with Vista RC
7 september 2006

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

IE7 and Google Toolbar Aren't Playing Well Together
IE7 and Google Toolbar Aren't Playing Well Together
4 september 2006

I am using the IE7 that is installed in Vista RC1 and while the new Google Toolbar does seem to work, it is causing problems with the context menu so I uninstalled it.  Interestingly I can't figure out how to tell Google its not working.  Does anyone know of a feedback mechanism (e.g. connect.microsoft.com) for Google?

Nice Vista RC1 Tweak Guide
Nice Vista RC1 Tweak Guide
4 september 2006

Url: http://www.longhornblogs.com/chris123nt/article...

Vista and Windows Media Player 11 Visualizations
Vista and Windows Media Player 11 Visualizations
4 september 2006

Interestingly Windows Media Player 11's visualizations in Vista don't seem to be Video Hardware accellerated.  While I understand that Windows Media Player 11 needs to be backwards compatible, it does make the visualizations looks ugly compared with the rest of the OS.  Hopefully they'll change that for Vista RTM, but for now that are just plain ugly (and CPU hogs).